• finding this spot off PCH was one of my favorite finds last year and i’ve gotten some amazing shots here since

    my favorite hike so far is temescal canyon in pacific palisades. it’s such a perfectly timed and paced hike that it’s welcoming and has a great view at the top

    my canon supershot extreme has been having issues at the worst moments, missing some shots i wanted but it’s all good. i’ve been nurturing a newer (still older) canon and liking that experience more so far

  • i love making mixtapes. this is my 156th one and i’ve already listened to it a ton. it goes with me on walks, it was what i listened to on my trip to miami, and it’s what i play when i play video games.

    it has different pockets and flows from house to hip hop to jazz to r&b and i think is the perfect length. i feel strongly about a mixtape being around 45-65 minutes and this one has a nice punch in the beginning and smooth finish at the end.

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  • i’m in miami for a week for work and have been using my free time to explore a bit.

    but first…my hotel room

    i haven’t been in a pool in a long time and it felt really nice to slide in

    it was 85° so the water was actually pretty warm. the beach felt nice cause the water was so clear. being able to feel the difference from the pacific ocean was nice and i was grateful for the fact that the beach was waking distance from my hotel.

    the macro camera on the iPhone 13 Pro is insane. i really gotta take more photos of flowers because…wow.

    that’s another reason i like that i set up this blog, cause instagram would really ruin this quality and detail.

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  • i first started smoking weed when i turned 27. it took a lot of attempts to get me high – 7 in fact. what did it was a sativa pill.

    or should i say 2 cause i popped the second sooner than i should’ve – of course. i could feel my eyes start to roll around so i pulled out my phone and recorded myself for the next 12 minutes.

    i was high for 17 hours.

    i woke up and had to go to work and a movie after high af. it was an intense experience but it opened me up to self regulate and figure out what i like and how much.

    part of my morning ritual is rolling a joint while my kettle boils. sometimes i read articles while i smoke but i’ve been enjoying deep breathing exercises while i meditate.

  • mxtps started as a place for me to throw old limewire and kazaa files i still had with stuff i ripped from myspace, musicmatch jukebox, yahoo music performances the media content from enhanced cds as well as the exclusive remixes you could only get from $11 imported singles that only had three tracks on it. as well as songs found on music blogs and the golden era of soundcloud and hypem, it became the digital continuation of my lifelong obsession with mixing cds and an almost compulsion with knowing what song is going to play next and if it was going to flow.it’s a love letter to CD-R and CD-RW, mini discs with 250 songs that got me through my walks to school and water polo practice, custom recorded cassettes, MP3 players, the 20 gb ipod with the click wheel that i saved up for, my Zune that i obsessed over junior year, and my lime green sony discman that got me through football away games. it’s what i loved about burned cds borrowed from friends and custom covers and handwritten tracklists passed between classes in paper envelopes stapled together in the back of a textbook.its been a way for me to track the changes in my taste in music across platforms and different mediums since 2010. it’s been the soundtrack for my workouts, roadtrips, fucks, and hangouts.thank you to anyone who’s ever listened, i appreciate it more than you know.

  • i felt like last summer stood still for a few weeks

    • back in that ‘09 coffee shop writing flow
    • sitting outside waiting for my weed delivery person to show up has been my weekly appearance outside. weed, walks, and groceries
    • i’m really proud of the art i’m working on and happy i have that to escape to and keep me motivated. taking risks and not second guessing myself and just going with it has been much needed right now
    • niggas are enlightening
    • love that i’ve built up a rapport with a camera shop within walking distance
    • i may destroy you continues to be the best writing i’ve seen in awhile
    • ready when you are
    • rage as a reminder
    • being high on a trail when you see a snake
    • when you pound your hands on their ass cheeks while you’re digging your face further taking your frustrations out on their hole and then wrap your arms around their waist and pull them onto your tongue deeper
    • grateful for the ocean air after 9pm
    • grateful for shelter and remote work
    • damn, i want waffles