• enny is so goddamn talented. i’m always captivated when she’s on the screen because her wordplay and tone always has me leaning in. i love her writing and im gonna do a deep dive into her stuff. the cinematography of both this video and the original are so slick. it really has me inspired on how to light and capture black women on film. i also need this to be a series — this insight into their intimate jam sessions. amino also slid on this as always and again showing how versatile he is as an artist his inflections and cadence area always an exercise i love to listen to.

  • i missed blogging. the process of just getting thoughts out of my head and onto a site mixed with some customization is hard to come by on the web. being able to freely express onself online in a creative way is not a focus and quick timeline based info is. it seems fewer spaces are dedicated to preserving your long form thoughts. everything is falling into a feed and i don’t want that experience anymore. i don’t want to pivot to video and don’t need all my information delivered that way either.

    i like reading blogs and discovering and learning new things. i find people interesting and have been finding the social media focus of presentation and curated persona to be unrelatable. not every interest needs to be monetized and i find that even extended opinions are being placed behind a paywall. hobbies are important and i don’t want to focus on an audience or metrics of engagement.

    so i’m using this site to explore my interests and carve out a place online that i can update frequently and on my own terms. i also have some ideas i want to explore about creating more online tools for others cause this seems to be a space where others might be interested in the blogging tools i’m looking for as well.